Cosquer Cave And Its Magnificent Underwater Stone Age Paintings Created 27,000 Years Ago

Ellen Lloyd – – Cosquer Cave is the world’s only underwater Stone Age cave and a marvelous place where archaeologists have discovered mysterious paintings created by our long-gone ancestors. Located in the Calanque de Morgiou in Marseille, France, the underwater Cosquer Cave is home to 500 extraordinary paintings and engravings. The cave drawings were […]

Highly Debated Early Homo Erectus Skull From Turkana – Age And Origin Now Verified

Conny Waters – – Researchers have verified the age and origin of one of the oldest specimens of Homo erectus—a very successful early human who roamed the world for nearly 2 million years. In addition, they found two new specimens at the site—likely the earliest pieces of the Homo erectus skeleton yet discovered, and their work […]

Inghirami Tomb – Spectacular Etruscan Burial With 53 Alabaster Urns In Ancient City Of Volterra, Italy

A. Sutherland  – – Many secrets of the ancient Etruscans, who represent one of the most enigmatic civilizations in Europe, are still to be discovered. Etruscan cemeteries contain different burial practices dated from the 9th to the 1st century BC and bear witness to the achievements of Etruscan culture, which, over nine centuries, developed the […]

Baffling Structures Unearthed In A Place Where Prehistoric Human Remains Are Missing Is An Ancient Mystery

Ellen Lloyd – – This time, we will discuss an ancient mystery that is genuinely puzzling for several reasons. More than 50 years ago, a curious explorer stumbled upon something extraordinary. The questions he asked at the time remain unanswered. The story started when scientists came across very ancient stone structures in an uninhabited […]

Neanderthals’ History Retrieved From Cave Sediments In Siberia And Spain – New Method

Conny Waters – – To obtain the complete genetic information from Neanderthals, including the chromosomal DNA stored in the cell nucleus, it was long needed to find bones or teeth, but such discoveries are very rare. Historical illustration of the Galería de las Estatuas cave site in northern Spain. Image credit: Isidro Gil, 1868 […]

Mystery Of The Giant Laos Jars Continues – New Discoveries Reported By Scientists

Jan Bartek – – Archaeologists have tried to unravel the mystery of the giant Laos jars for some years, and now they report new, interesting discoveries. As Ancient Pages reported earlier, “it’s important to mention that similar very large stone jars were found in Sa Huynh in Vietnam and also in the North Cachar Hills of […]

Nefertum – God Of Lotus Blossom, Perfumes, Aromatherapy, Beauty In Egyptian Mythology

A. Sutherland  – – In the religion of the ancient Egyptians, Nefertum (in Greek: Iphtimis) is the personification of the refreshing and most beautiful smell, which, according to the myths, was to set free the creative energy of Re-Atum, and on this belief is based the connection of the name ‘Nefertum’ with Atum. A […]

Cato The Younger – Mortal Enemy Of Julius Caesar Was A Man Who Hated Luxury, New Ideas And Was Immune To Bribes

Ellen Lloyd – – When Cato was a child, one could see he would be different one day. He was extremely stubborn and could not tolerate obvious signs of injustice. He was only 13 years old when he questioned the Roman general and dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla’s harsh methods and violations of laws and […]

War God Ares Was Brutal, Merciless And Disliked By Greeks But Popular In His Love Affairs

A. Sutherland  – – In Greek mythology, Ares was the god of war and violence but was not nearly as prominent in ancient Greece as his counterpart Mars was in ancient Rome. He was also the spirit of battle, who never developed moral functions to stand as a good example. Ares – god of war, […]

Pharaoh Psamtik III’s ᴅᴇᴀᴅly Encounter With Cambyses II Of Persia Ended The 26th Dynasty Of Egypt

Ellen Lloyd – – Compᴀssion is not an emotion most ᴀssociate with ancient Egyptian Pharaohs who could be fearless, harsh, and ruthless rulers. History judges Pharaohs by looking back at their successes and failures. Still, one tends to forget that beneath the elaborate makeup and crown, the monarchs of ancient Egypt were flesh and blood […]