Caribbean Cannibalism Theory – Debunked By Researchers

Conny Waters – – A group of marauding cannibals from South America descended on islands of the Caribbean circa A.D. 800, terrorizing local populations, as was suggested by the explorer Christopher Columbus (1451 -1506), an Italian explorer, and navigator who completed four journeys across the Atlantic Ocean, opening the way for the widespread European […]

Emerald Production In Eastern Desert Of Roman Egypt – New Evidence

Conny Waters – – Excavations in the Egyptian Eastern Desert delivers proof of emerald mines in Roman Egypt at Wadi Sikait. For over 5000 years, emeralds have been one of the most desirable and valuable colored stones. Many ancient civilizations in Asia, Africa, and South America independently discovered emeralds and held this gemstone in […]

Astronomically Aligned Pyramidal Buildings Of America’s Oldest City Reveal How Its Builders Apprehended Space And Time

Jan Bartek – – Inhabitants of the sacred city of Caral were skilled architects, builders, and astronomers who studied celestial objects with great interest. Scientists have discovered pyramidal buildings, and other monuments in Caral were astronomically aligned to keep track of time so people could perform rites and ceremonies. Everything indicates the Moon was […]

Ancient Manuscript In Museum Reveals Discovery Of Objects Unknown To Modern Science – Why Were The Ancient Time Capsules Hidden? – Part 3

Ellen Lloyd – – There are many reasons why an advanced civilization can decide to conceal its precious treasures and extraordinary invention, but why were these particular time capsules hidden? We are not discussing one but dozens of ancient time capsules that according to Coptic sources contain the most extraordinary objects one can imagine. […]

Honey-Collecting In Prehistoric West Africa From 3500 Years Ago – Pottery Examined

Conny Waters – – Honey and other bee products were likely a sought-after foodstuff for much of human history, with direct chemical evidence for beeswax identified in prehistoric ceramic vessels from Europe, the Near East and Mediterranean North Africa, from the 7th millennium BC. A team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol, with […]

Oldest Modern Human Genome Identified With The Help Of Neanderthal Ancestry

Conny Waters – – Now, an international team of researchers analyzed the genome of the skull and reports what is likely the oldest reconstructed modern human genome to date. The segments of Neanderthal DNA in its genome were longer than those of the Ust’-Ishim individual from Siberia, the previous oldest modern human sequenced, suggesting […]

Sarmizegetusa And Its Andesite Sun Artifact Similar To The Mayan Calendar

A. Sutherland – – Sarmizegetusa (today Gradistea Muncelului) County was the capital of pre-Roman Dacia, located in the Orastie Mountains, in present-day Romania. Before the wars with the Roman Empire, Sarmizegetusa was also the most important military, religious and political center of the Dacians. It’s a complex of sanctuaries situated on a cliff at […]

Shengavit Of Kura Araxes Culture: One Of Armenia’s Historical Sites Inhabited Since At Least 3200 BC

A. Sutherland – – One of the most prominent historical sites of Kura Araxes (Uraxes) culture, dating from 3400 BC to 2000 BC, is the Shengavit settlement, located just beyond the suburbs of the city of Yerevan, Armenia. The Kura-Araxes culture (3400-2000 BCE). Although the Kura-Araxes people were less aggressive and more sedentary, they […]

Knights Templar’s Mysterious Underground Chambers Hidden In The Caynton Caves Discovered

Jan Bartek – – It has been ᴀssumed for some time the Caynton Caves were used by the Knights Templar, who held secret meetings in underground chambers at the site. Still, there is a difference between ᴀssuming and knowing something for a fact. Access to the Caynton Caves in Shropshire, UK, has been forbidden […]

Tragic Tale Of The Cursed House Of Atreus

Ellen Lloyd – – Once the wheel of misfortune has been set in motion, it can be challenging to stop it from spinning. Tragedies have an uncanny tendency to follow each other, and the House of Atreus certainly experienced the greatest miseries life has to offer. The misadventures of the House of Atreus is […]