Unusual 6,000-Year-Old Gold Objects Discovered In Hungarian Tombs – More Mysterious Conical Hats?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Some years ago, paleontologists found sixteen preserved trunks of cypress trees, estimated to be eight million years old in the area of the Bükkábrány lignite mine in Hungary. When archaeologists recently visited the same area they had the opportunity to admire these marvelous ancient trees, but more important to their […]

Mysterious Denisovans – New Study Offers New Evidence

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Researchers led by the University of Adelaide have conducted a comprehensive genetic analysis and found no evidence of interbreeding between modern humans and the ancient humans known from fossil records in Island Southeast Asia. However, they did find further DNA evidence of our mysterious ancient cousins, the Denisovans, which could […]

Tomb Of Last Ruler Of A Sunken Kingdom Remains An Ancient Mystery

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Many years ago archaeologists stumbled upon a curious ancient tomb that belonged to an individual of great importance. Inside the tomb, scientists found the body of the deceased person and beautiful burial gifts. Examinations of the burial revealed this particular tomb was different from the surrounding tombs, but why? When […]

Memory Of Palmyra’s Ancient Ruins Preserved Thanks To One Man’s Dedication And Mini Models Of Lost Temples

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – It takes only a few seconds to blow up a sacred temple that has withstood the test of time for thousands of years. Unfortunately, a much longer time is required to produce a mini replica of this glorious sacred, ancient building. Even when the result is ready it can never […]

Sam Bᴀss Became Texas’s Beloved Bandit And Was Admired By The Poor

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Despite being an outlaw, Sam Bᴀss was considered a good man of a kind nature. Sam Bᴀss became Texas’s beloved bandit because he was kind and generous, and just like the legendary Robin Hood, he only robbed the rich. Outlaw Sam Bᴀss was loved by the poor, and newspapers fueled […]

Ancient Maya Saltworks: Salt Was A Commodity Or Money In Classic Maya Economy

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Salt has always been important and essential for life. The Classic Maya made salt by boiling brine in pots over fires in salt kitchens. In the Classic Maya economy, salt was used as a commodity or money. Reconstruction of a town dedicated to the production of salt. Drawing: Raúl Velázquez […]

Hypnos: God Of Sleep Who Owns Much Of Our Lives In Greek Mythology

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – In “Theogony,” a Greek poet Hesiod who likely lived around 700 BC, tells about Hypnos, the god of sleep, and his twin brother, Thanatos, the god of death, who the Greeks occasionally saw as a harbinger of a peaceful death. Their parents were Nyx, the goddess of the night, and […]

Faces Of Queen Neferтιтi And King Akhenaten Reconstructed Using Artificial Intelligence

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The faces of two of the most famous people of ancient Egypt have been reconstructed with the use of artificial intelligence. Queen Neferтιтi and Pharaoh Akhenaten were a fascinating couple, but what did they look like in real life? Neferтιтi, the most powerful woman of her time, is now a […]

Where Is The 12,000-Year-Old Map That Could Change All We Know About Ancient Egypt Hidden?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Though it’s today difficult to imagine the Sahara and parts of Egypt not being covered by sand, there is enough scientific evidence this region of the world had a completely different landscape thousands of years ago. What changed the green Sahara into a desert is still a subject scientists investigate, […]

How Emma Of Normandy Risked Her Life To Save England

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Emma of Normandy is one of the most intriguing Medieval queens who pushed England into a new era, and yet, she is today largely forgotten. Who was this strong-minded woman determined to stay in England and change the course of history despite fearing for her life? The year was 1016, […]