220 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Footprint Found On Wales Beach By Girl

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  Dinosaurs are long gone, but their tracks have been preserved for millions of years, and we find evidence of these prehistoric animals in the most surprising places. Today it may be difficult to imagine dinosaurs once roamed European countries, but well-preserved fossils of these prehistoric creatures give us a unique […]

Chumash Indians Used Shell Beads As Money 2,000 Years Ago – New Study

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The Chumash Indians produced shell beads for thousands of years in the Santa Barbara Channel region, and had special bead-manufacturing sites. The Chumash are a Native American people who historically inhabited the central and southern coastal regions of California, in portions of what is now San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, […]

First Rare Evidence Of Biblical Purple From The Time Of King David And King Solomon

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – For the first time ever scientists have come across rare evidence of fabric dyed with royal purple dating from the time of King David and King Solomon. Dye was considered more valuable than gold and was ᴀssociated with royalty. While excavating at a site in Timna, an ancient copper production […]

First People To Enter The Americas Brought Their Dogs With Them

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The first people to enter the Americas likely brought their companions with them, according to new research that sheds more light on the origin of dogs. An international team of researchers led by archaeologist Dr. Angela Perri, of Durham University, UK, looked at the archaeological and genetic records of ancient […]

Unusual Carved Stone Pillar With ‘Special Powers’ Discovered In Canada Confirmed Authentic Indigenous Artifact

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – An unusual carved stone pillar discovered in Canada has now been confirmed as an authentic indigenous artifact. It is a fascinating discovery because the carved 100-kilogram stone pillar sheds new light on the ancient history of this region. The stone pillar was found by local resident, Bernhard Spalteholz on a […]

Darabgerd: One Of The Oldest Cities Dated To Achaemenid Era

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com  – Remains of the ancient historical city of Darabgerd (Darabjerd) are situated six kilometers southwest of the modern town of Darab in Fars province, Iran. Mentioned in very ancient literary works of this country, Darabgerd was one of the oldest and most prominent cities of the Achaemenid Empire. Left: Ruins of Darabgerd, […]

Mystery Of Biblical Noah’s Strange Connection With Red-Skinned Giants And The Watchers – Celestial Secrets – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com –  In part 1 we discussed why Lamech, Noah’s father was terrified when he saw his new-born son for the first time. We talked about why he had doubts about the baby and what Enoch had to say about this issue. Do we have any reasons to doubt the words spoken […]

15 New Archaeological Finds Unearthed In Pre-Inca Ruins Of Tiwanaku, Bolivia

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists have unearthed 15 ceremonial objects during excavations carried out in the pre-Inca ruins of the Kalasasaya Temple, Tiwanaku, located in the department of La Paz, now, a Unesco World Heritage Site in Bolivia. Mama Pacha – the one who fertilizes and protects the crops. Image source The ancient objects most probably […]

Never-Before-Seen 5,000-Year-Old Mysterious Monument On Isle Of Arran Discovered By LIDAR

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  The use of radar has once again resulted in a successful archaeological discovery. This time scientists conducted a laser scan of a region on the Isle of Arran in Scotland and they found something unexpected. Laser images reveal a never-before-seen monument that is estimated to be about 5,000-year-old. A 5,000-year-old […]

Qilin – One Of Four Noble Animals In Chinese Myths And Legends

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – In Chinese mythology, Qilin (Kirin) is one of the “Four Benevolent Animals, ” including the tortoise, dragon, and phoenix. All four noble ones ruled the Yellow Emperor’s gardens – the ancestor of all Chinese people and the father of Chinese civilization. Qilin is one of four benevolent and sacred animals in […]