Royal Tombs Of Alexander The Great’s Family At Vergina, Greece Finally Identified
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Admired or hated, it is fair to say that no one was indifferent to Alexander the Great, who is today recognized as one of the greatest military figures of all time. Alexander the Great, the king of the Greek kingdom of Macedon, shaped world history through his conquests. Ancient Macedonian […]

Surprising Discovery Reveals Ancient Tibetan Bowl Shows Alexander The Great – The Jewish Version And Not The Homer’s Iliad
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A recent study of an ancient silver bowl with Greek-style reliefs found in Tibet decades ago has revealed something surprising. It was long thought the bowl is covered with scenes from Homer’s “Iliad” but this is not the case. According to a new report published in the Bulletin of the […]

Second Gate Of Bazira And Unique Artifacts Discovered In The Ancient City Of Alexander The Great
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Founded by Alexander the Great the ancient city of Bazira was long, but its ruins were located in 2019. The city was established after the destruction of the lower city in the third century by a catastrophic earthquake, and later abandoned in the third century and lost to history. View […]