Smuggled Ancient Egyptian Artefacts Finally Arrive Home From Italy

Conny Waters – – Four ancient Egyptian artefacts that were illegally smuggled to Italy have found their way home. The artefacts were handed over to the Egyptian Embᴀssy in Rome some time ago and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Egypt received them from the foreign ministry. Image credit: Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism […]

Egypt Recovers Ancient Wooden Coffin From Houston Museum In The US

Conny Waters – – Egypt has successfully recovered an ancient wooden coffin cover from a Houston museum in the US. The coffin cover was smuggled from Egypt several years ago. Egypt succeeded in recovering the coffin cover which was smuggled from Egypt several years ago. Image credit: Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) Egypt’s Consul […]

Pi-Ramesse: Pharaoh Ramesses II’s Great Capital Surprisingly Identified In Two Locations

A. Sutherland  – – Pi-Ramesse (Piramesse) is an example of an ancient city of great importance, which archaeologists surprisingly identified in two locations. Reconstruction of the city of Pi-Ramesse in the early 13th-century BC, 2016. © It took a long time for them to piece together artifacts from these two sites and create […]

Djoser – Most Outstanding King Of The Third Dynasty In Ancient Egypt And His Step Pyramid

Angela Sutherland  – – Djoser was possibly the founder of the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. The Old Kingdom began with the third dynasty (2686 BC) and ended with the sixth, about 2333 BC). Pharaoh Djoser’s Ka Chamber. Image credit: Vincent Brown – source Djoser (also known as Zoser) was responsible […]

Pharaoh Psusennes I Was Buried In The Silver Coffin Decorated With Gold

A. Sutherland  – – Tanis, an ancient area in Egypt’s Nile Delta, was an early subject of the archaeologists’ interest. The city’s name was already well known as Soan (biblical Zoan). Among many Tanis tombs, one belonged to Psusennes I, the third Pharaoh of the 21st Dynasty who ruled from Tanis between 1047 – […]

Pharaoh Menkaure – Egyptian Ruler Who Tried To Outsmart Fate

A. Sutherland  – – Giza pyramids belong to Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, and vandals and thieves looted them long ago. The southernmost is ᴀssociated with Menkaure (Mykerinos, in Greek), the fifth king of the 4th Dynasty. Who Was Pharaoh Menkaure? Menkaure was the eldest son of Pharaoh Khafre, the grandson of Khufu (Cheops), and ruled in […]