Magnificent Treasures From Bronze Age And Roman Era Found In South Wales And Powys

Jan Bartek – – Five treasure finds, including three hoards and two grave groups of Bronze Age and Roman date, were declared treasure on Tuesday 11th July 2023 by Area Coroner for South Wales Central, Patricia Morgan. A Bronze Age grave group comprising a small gold penannular ring and fragments of a burnt wooden comb […]

Surprising Discovery Of Almost Intact Roman Sanctuary With Temples In The Netherlands

Conny Waters – – A complete and almost intact ancient Roman sanctuary with temples has been discovered in Gelderland, a province of the Netherlands. Archaeologists from RAAP made the startling discovery in Herwen-Hemeling (municipality of Zevenaar), near the Roman Limes UNESCO World Heritage Site. Several temples have stood on this site. Remains of statues […]

Unexpected Discovery Of Rare Ancient Roman Carved Wooden Figure In Buckinghamshire

Jan Bartek – – While investigating the Three Bridge Mill located near the village of Twyford, Buckinghamshire, UK scientists discovered an early Roman rare wooden carved figure. Initially, the researchers thought it was just a degraded piece of wood. As they continued to excavate it a humanlike, or anthropomorphic, the figure was revealed. The […]

Startling Roman-Looking Sandal Discovered Buried Deep Beneath The Snow In Norwegian Mountains

Jan Bartek – – Team Secrets of the Ice has been searching for clues about the past in the Norwegian mountains for 15 years, and during this time the scientists have made many unusual discoveries. Among the most significant finds are the hundreds of pre-historic cairns, which are stone structures that signaled to the […]

Mystery Of The Ancient Lost Megalithic City Of Nhambiquaras And The Curious Roman Figurine

Ellen Lloyd – – We learned about many remarkable, long-forgotten ancient cities hidden in the Amazon Jungle in recent years. Such discoveries made thanks to LIDAR have helped archaeologists shed new light on ancient riddles and improve our understanding of the past. Using light detection and ranging technology, scientists have located never-before-seen monuments, cities, […]

Ancient Roman Portable Toilets Studied By Scientists

Jan Bartek – – A new study reveals how archeologists can determine when a pot was used by Romans as a portable toilet, known as a chamber pot. “Conical pots of this type have been recognized quite widely in the Roman Empire and in the absence of other evidence they have often been called […]