Mysterious Ancient Andean Waskiri Structure Built For Unknown Purpose Investigated By Scientists

Conny Waters – – While investigating at Waskiri, near the Lauca River and the Bolivian-Chilean border, archaeologists made a curious discovery. Scientists found an impressive circular construction on a small hill at the site. The Waskiri structure surprised researchers because of its large dimensions (140m in diameter), design, and regularity. According to researchers, it […]

Climate In The Andes Has Driven 7,000 Years Of Dietary Changes – New Study Reveals

Jan Bartek – – What a person eats influences that person’s health, longevity and experience in the world. Identifying the factors that determine people’s diets is important to answer the bigger questions, such as how changing climates will influence unequal access to preferred foods. A new study led by University of Utah anthropologists provides […]

Genes And Languages: Development Of Pre-Incan Culture In Central Andes

Conny Waters – – A study combines newly available analyses and methods from linguistics and genetics to tackle a long-standing topic in archaeological research, confirming the demographic and cultural elements of a north-south divide in the Central Andes. The findings from the Max Planck Insтιтute for the Science of Human History, the Center for […]