Sculpture Of Lord Vishnu Dated To The Early 9th Century Found In Kashmir
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Locals in the village of Gudsathoo Budgam, Kashmir accidentally found a sculpture of the god Vishnu while digging the land. The idol of Lord Vishnu depicts the three-headed god with four arms having lotus flower on the upper right hand. Centuries old sculpture of Lord Vishnu discovered in Budgam district […]

Cambridge Supports Nigeria’s Claim For Return Of Benin Artefacts From University Collections
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The University of Cambridge is supporting a claim for the return to Nigeria of 116 objects currently held in the University’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) collections that were taken by British armed forces during the sacking of Benin City in 1897. Commemorative Head of the Oba, or King. One of the items in the MAA collections due […]

Drought Triggered Civil Conflict Among The Ancient Maya – Study
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – An extended period of turmoil in the prehistoric Maya city of Mayapan, in the Yucatan region of Mexico, was marked by population declines, political rivalries and civil conflict. Between 1441 and 1461 CE the strife reached an unfortunate crescendo—the complete insтιтutional collapse and abandonment of the city. This all occurred […]

Cave Hidden Under Pembroke Castle in Wales Could Hold Secrets Dating Back 10,000 Years
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A team of archaeologists has unearthed bones of reindeer and woolly mammoth in the limestone cave hidden beneath Pembroke Castle. Wogan Cavern is beneath Pembroke Castle. Image credit: : Pembroke Castle via WalesOnline The castle stands on a site that has been occupied at least since the Roman period, and […]

Fossil Tooth Analysis Sheds More Light On Earliest Humans From Southern Africa
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Fossil tooth analysis by Southern Cross University geochemist Dr. Renaud Joannes-Boyau has played a central role in an international collaboration that has properly identified the earliest humans. Figure 1: geometric morphometric analyses of the enamel-dentine junction. Credit: Southern Cross University The new study, published in the journal Proceedings […]

Ancient Wooden Sculpture Unearthed In Peru’s Chan Chan
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A perfectly preserved wooden sculpture was recently discovered at the Chan Chan archaeological complex in northern Peru. Wooden sculpture depicting a litter bearer of a ruler unearthed at Chan Chan, Peru. Image credit: Directorate of Culture of La Libertad Chan Chan was the capital of the historical empire of the Chimor […]

Were The Bones Of Fallen Battle of Waterloo Soldiers Sold As Fertilizer? – New Study
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Were the bones of fallen Battle of Waterloo soldiers sold as fertilizer? As very few human remains have been found from what was such a bloodied affair, killing thousands, it’s a conclusion that a new study suggests is most probable. Robert Alexander Hillingford: In the Battle of Wellington Waterloo – […]

Remains of Maurya-Era Wall Discovered In Tilaurakot, Kapilvastu, Nepal
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeological excavation is still going on at Tilaurakot, Kapilvastu of southern Nepal. According to archaeologists involved in the excavation, the recent discovery of ruins of a wall dating to the Mauryan Empire has archaeological significance. Maurya era bricks measuring 47 cm long, 26 to 28 cm wide and 7 cm […]

Chickens Were Introduced To Britain, Mainland Europe, And Northern Africa Later Than Previously Thought
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Chickens are the world’s most numerous domestic animal. In order to understand when, where, and how they first became ᴀssociated with human societies, we critically ᴀssessed the domestic status of chicken remains described in >600 sites in 89 countries Archaeologists employed radiocarbon dating on bones from 23 of the earliest […]

Wreck Of Historic Royal Ship ‘Gloucester’ Discovered Off The English Coast
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Countless ships have gone under since man took to the water. Many shipwrecks have never been found and their precise location has since been lost to history. Some of the most famous shipwrecks have yet to be discovered. Today, researchers announce an important discovery of the wreck of one of the most famous ships […]