Sirens: The Secret Of The Power In Their Captivating Song That Heralded Death

A. Sutherland  – – Usually, the Sirens were considered daughters of the river god Achelous, either by the Muse Terpsichore, Melpomene, Calliope, or by Sterope, daughter of King Porthaon of Calydon. Ulysses and the Sirens. Herbert James Draper (1863–1920). Image uploader: Fanfwah – Public Domain Their number is variously reported from two to eight. […]

Well Of Urd (Urdarbrunn): Abode Of Fate Goddesses And Powerful Symbol In Norse Beliefs

A. Sutherland  – – In Norse mythology, Hvergelmir (located in Niflheim) is a “bubbling boiling spring.” The Norns and the World-Ash. Image credit: Carl Emil Doepler, Jr. (1905) – Public Domain  According to Prose Edda, the spring is one of the three significant springs at the primary roots of the cosmic tree Yggdrasil. Ancient fairy tales in […]

Persephone: Greek Goddess Of The Coming Spring And Lady Of The Land Of The ᴅᴇᴀᴅ

A. Sutherland – – Persephone is a goddess of the Land of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ and sprouting grain and fruit in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, she is identified with Proserpine. Her attribute was poppy and pomegranate fruit, so she was also ᴀssociated with spring, flowers, life, and vegetation before becoming queen of the underworld. […]