Simons fall – a painting byBenozzo Gozzoli, 1462). Public Domain

Simon Magus ‘The Magician’ Who Faked Death And Resurrection

A. Sutherland  – – Simon the Sorcerer (or Simon the Magician) is a Biblical figure and Samaritan religious leader mentioned in Acts 8: 9-24. He lived at the turn of the 1st-2nd century AD and was a magician and miracle worker. Simon’s fall – a painting byBenozzo Gozzoli, 1462). Public Domain He was born […]

Popular Tyrant Peisistratos Tricked The Athenians To Seize Power And People Loved Him

Popular Tyrant Peisistratos Tricked The Athenians To Seize Power And People Loved Him

Ellen Lloyd – – By modern definition, a tyrant is a cruel and oppressive ruler hated by most people. Peisistratos was a tyrant, but this doesn’t mean he was a bad ruler and was certainly not despised by the people.  On the contrary. He was immensely popular among poorer people because he did not […]