Radiocarbon Dating Sheds Light On Historical Events In The Ancient City Of Gezer

Conny Waters – – Gezer is an ancient southern Levantine city, well known from Egyptian, ᴀssyrian, and Biblical texts and ᴀssociated with stories of power struggles and significant historical figures. It is also a rich archaeological site with abundant Bronze Age and Iron Age remains and great potential for research into the daily lives […]

First Known Depiction Of The Biblical Heroines Deborah And Jael Unearthed On 1,600-Year-Old Mosaics

Jan Bartek – – A team of specialists and students led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Jodi Magness recently returned to Israel’s Lower Galilee to continue unearthing nearly 1,600-year-old mosaics in an ancient Jewish synagogue at Huqoq. Discoveries made this year include the first known depiction of the Biblical […]