More Than 1000 Bones Of Extinct Predators From 240 Million Years Ago – Found In Upper Silesia, Poland
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Polish scientists have discovered the remains of over a thousand specimens of extinct animals from about 240 million years ago. Among them are the bones of a reptile unknown to science so far. Bones presented during a press conference at the Museum of Evolution of the Insтιтute of Paleobiology of […]

Earth’s First Animals Had Particular Taste In Real Estate
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Even without body parts that allowed for movement, new research shows—for the first time—that some of Earth’s earliest animals managed to be picky about where they lived. Life restoration of Obamus coronatus, a tiny, toroidally shaped, soft-bodied animal from the Ediacaran biota of South Australia. Credit: Nobu Tamura These creatures […]

Study Of Ancient Skulls Sheds Light On Human Interbreeding With Neandertals
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Research has established that there are traces of Neandertal DNA in the genome of modern humans. Now an exploratory study that ᴀssessed the facial structure of prehistoric skulls is offering new insights and supports the hypothesis that much of this interbreeding took place in the Near East—the region ranging from […]

New Non-Destructive DNA Method Of Obtaining Ancient Genomic Data – Developed
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – DNA is an essential component in the cells of all living organisms on this planet. It contains information that is critical for building the body and keeping its biological processes alive. A new method of obtaining ancient genomic data without damaging source material has been developed by University of Otago […]