Tower Of Babel Story As Told By The Choctaw Indians And The Cherokee
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – The Biblical story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis explains why people speak different languages. The Choctaw, a Native American Indian tribe that traditionally lived in what is now southeastern Mississippi, also talk about what happened with the Tower of Babel. The Cherokee also remember days when flooding threatened […]

Mysterious Judaculla Rock And The Slant-Eyed Giant Of The Cherokee
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – The Judaculla Rock in North Carolina is one of the greatest mysteries in North America. The 230-square-foot soapstone boulder is covered with more than fifteen hundred ancient carvings and petroglyphs and is by no means an ordinary stone. Who made the ancient carvings, and what do the engraved symbols mean? […]

Pilot Mountain Is Home To A Mysterious Underground Civilization – Cherokee Legend Tells
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Stories of mysterious beings who dwell in secret underground worlds are common among many Native American tribes. According to local accounts, these individuals avoid contact with the outside world and can only be seen on rare occasions. Who these subterranean people remain unknown. As previously mentioned on AncientPages, the “Choctaw […]