How Did St. Nicholas Become Santa Claus? – History, Legend And Tradition – We’re all familiar with the jolly, white-haired and bearded overweight man who sneaks down chimneys on Christmas Eve delivering presents to children. But where did this come from? With roots in Christianity, the origins of the world’s most beloved gift-giver transcend time, culture and religion. Santa Claus with gifts and a lantern on […]

History Of Santa Claus And Modern Christmas Traditions – How It All Began

Jan Bartek – – Every year, families who celebrate Christmas decorate their tree and hang stockings in anticipation of the arrival of Santa Claus. But what does this have to do with the religious holiday itself? Exactly how a celebration of the birth of Jesus became what it is today is difficult to trace, […]

Ancient History Of The Christmas Tree And Its Pagan Roots – How The ‘Forbidden’ Tree Survived Against All Odds

Ellen Lloyd – – It isn’t easy to imagine a Christmas celebration without a beautifully decorated Christmas tree at home. In the United States alone, more than 40 million real or specially grown trees are sold during the Christmas period each year. You can find a Christmas tree in most Christan homes. Credit: Vladislav FotOf […]