Ancient Roman Wine Production May Hold Clues For Battling Climate Change – It is no secret that the Romans were heavy wine drinkers. Estimates put the average Roman male’s consumption at a liter or more of diluted wine per day. The drink was also a symbol of civilized behavior, and widely used as a drug, medicine and ritual beverage. Winemaking was therefore a widespread and very profitable […]

Evolution Might Stop Humans From Solving Climate Change – Researchers Say

Jan Bartek – – Central features of human evolution may stop our species from resolving global environmental problems like climate change, says a recent study led by the University of Maine. Credit: Adobe Stock –  Zahid Humans have come to dominate the planet with tools and systems to exploit natural resources that were refined […]

Clues What Tiggered Climate Change 8,000 Years Ago Found In Scotland

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Using geological samples from the Ythan Estuary in Scotland, scientists have identified a melting ice sheet as the probable trigger of a major climate-change event just over 8,000 years ago. And the analysis—involving a team of geo-scientists from four Yorkshire universities led by Dr. Graham Rush, who holds positions […]

Climate Change Likely Drove Early Human Species To Extinction – Scientists Say

Jan Bartek – – Of the six or more different species of early humans, all belonging to the genus Homo, only we Homo sapiens have managed to survive. A study combining climate modeling and the fossil record in search of clues to what led to all those earlier extinctions of our ancient ancestors suggests […]

Rising Sea Level Caused Vikings To Abandon Greenland – New Study

Jan Bartek – – Vikings occupied Greenland from roughly 985 to 1450, farming and building communities before abandoning their settlements and mysteriously vanishing. Why they disappeared has long been a puzzle, but a new paper from the Harvard University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) determines that one factor—rising sea level—likely played a […]

Scientists Reconstruct The Climate Of The Ancient World Using Small Wooden Artifacts And Mummies

Conny Waters – – Swiss scientists are reconstructing the climate of the ancient world using small wooden artifacts hung on mummified remains. Throughout history, the Earth’s climate has undergone natural fluctuations. Although insignificant compared with the current crisis, these fluctuations would nevertheless have been enough to make and unmake empires. According to recent studies, they would […]

Ancient Egyptian Monuments Threatened By Climate Change Restored By Oriental Insтιтute

Jan Bartek – – The ancient temple complex Medinet Habu has survived in the arid desert climate for thousands of years. But in the 100 years since the Oriental Insтιтute’s (OI) Epigraphic Survey first arrived in nearby Luxor, Egypt, things have changed. Temple floors have become muddier, salt crystals have formed on stone monuments, […]

Climate Change Behind Early Human Migration To The Americas At Key Intervals – Scientists Say

Jan Bartek – –  Researchers have pinpointed two intervals when ice and ocean conditions would have been favorable to support early human migration from Asia to North America late in the last Ice Age. The findings align with a growing body of evidence that the most likely path for the first Americans was a […]

Climate Change May Have Impacted The Rise And Fall Of Middle Eastern Civilizations

Jan Bartek – – Pronounced climate fluctuations and changed conditions for agriculture coincided with the rise and fall of the Persian Empires, according to an international study led by researchers at Linköping University. Konar Sandal – Credit: Pourjafari – CC BY-SA 4.0 The researchers have studied historical variations in precipitation and vegetation in southeastern […]

Ancient Warming Event May Have Been Trigged By Changes In Earth’s Orbit

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Changes in Earth’s orbit that favored H๏τter conditions may have helped trigger a rapid global warming event 56 million years ago that is considered an analog for modern climate change, according to an international team of scientists. “The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum is the closest thing we have in the geologic […]