Cosmic Message Of The Zapotec Glyphs In The Valley Of Oaxaca – Deciphered!

Conny Waters – – After many years of hard, dedicated work, scientists have finally deciphered the longest Zapotec text of its kind known to exist in the Oaxaca Valley, Mexico. According to archaeologists, the length of the best-preserved segment, stucco and limestone frieze, is 15 meters! Credit: Pixabay – Luminas_Art – Public Domain The […]

Mysterious 3,200-Year-Old Hitтιтe Map Of The Cosmos And The 12 Gods

Conny Waters – – The Hitтιтes studied the night sky with the same interest as any other ancient civilization. As previously reported on Ancient Pages, scientists suggested a secret, ancient lunar calendar is hidden at a Hitтιтe sanctuary in Turkey. This carving at Yazilikaya is said to depict 12 gods of the underworld. Credit: […]