Ancient Dance And Games Offer Glimpses Of Life And Death In Italy 2,500 Years Ago
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Tomb and urn images shed light on the intricacies of Etruscan and Roman civilization at least 2,000 years ago, reviving it for modern times. A 2,500-year-old Etruscan tomb in the Italian city of Tarquinia has walls covered in paintings of brightly colored dancers and musicians. A 1st-century funerary urn of […]

Dance Was A Gift Of The Gods To Ancient Greeks
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Like in most ancient cultures, dance was important to people in ancient Greece. Dance was a way to express emotions, tell stories, and communicate. To ancient Greeks, dance was a gift of the gods and therefore thought that the best dancers had been specially gifted by the gods. Dancing girls […]