Ancient DNA Solves The Mystery Of Mitochondrial Eve And Human Evolution?

Jan Bartek – – In the field of human genetics, the story of Mother Eve is a familiar one. It describes how all living humans descend from one woman who lived in Africa 200,000 to 300,000 years ago. Evidence comes from studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)—a segment of genetic material found in the human cell. Amongst […]

Neanderthals Died Out 40,000 Years Ago, But There Has Never Been More Of Their DNA On Earth – Neanderthals have served as a reflection of our own humanity since they were first discovered in 1856. What we think we know about them has been shaped and moulded to fit our cultural trends, social norms and scientific standards. They have changed from diseased specimens to primitive sub-human lumbering cousins to advanced humans. 99.7% human. Artist: […]

DNA In Viking Poop Sheds New Light On 55,000-Year-Old Relationship Between Gut Companions

Jan Bartek – – Using fossilized eggs in up to 2,500-year-old feces from Viking settlements in Denmark and other countries, researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences and the Wellcome Sanger Insтιтute (UK) have made the largest and most in-depth genetic analysis of one of the oldest parasites found […]

DNA Analysis Shows Griffin Warrior Ruled His Greek Homeland

Jan Bartek – – Using new scientific tools, University of Cincinnati archaeologists discovered that an ancient Greek leader known today as the Griffin Warrior likely grew up around the seaside city he would one day rule. The findings are part of three new studies published in the journal Science that examined the ancient DNA of the […]

Vast Paleogenetic Study Reveals Insights On Migration, Farming And Language Development Across The Southern Arc

Jan Bartek – – In a trio of papers, published simultaneously in the journal Science, Ron Pinhasi from the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology and Human Evolution and Archaeological Sciences (HEAS) at the University of Vienna and Songül Alpaslan-Roodenberg from the University of Vienna and Harvard University, Iosif Lazaridis and David Reich at Harvard University—together with […]

Discovery Of Chromosomes Offers Evidence Of Ancient Humans Living In South America Over 18,000 Years Ago

Jan Bartek – – According to a long-lasting theory, South America was populated by ancient humans who arrived in North America from Siberia approximately 14,000 to 17,000 years ago, using what was then a land bridge to Alaska. However, according to a new study conducted by scientists, a collection of chromosomes offers evidence that […]

Ancient DNA Sheds New Light On The Fall Of Major Civilizations

Jan Bartek  – – Based on previous archaeological studies, researchers know that the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the Akkadian Empire, both Bronze Age civilizations, experienced sudden declines in population several thousand years ago. The cause of the decline has been a subject of debate. During the late 3rd millennium BCE, the Eastern Mediterranean […]

Ancient DNA Yields Surprising Findings On World’s Earliest Seafarers

Jan Bartek – – New genetic research from remote islands in the Pacific offers fresh insights into the ancestry and culture of the world’s earliest seafarers, including family structure, social customs, and the ancestral populations of the people living there today. The work, described in the journal Science, reveals five previously undocumented migrations into a […]

Human DNA Shaped By Past Events Caused Sharp Dips In The Population

Jan Bartek – – The genomes of many human populations show evidence of founder events, which occur when a small number of initial members start a new population, and can lead to low genetic diversity as well as increase the risk of certain genetic diseases in the new population. Rémi Tournebize and Priya Moorjani […]

DNA Study Shows Pre-Historic Wallacea Was A Melting Pot Of Human Genetic Ancestries

Jan Bartek – – The Wallacean islands have always been separated from Asia and Oceania by deep-sea waters. Yet, these tropical islands were a corridor for modern humans migrating into the Pleistocene Australia-New Guinea landmᴀss (Sahul) and have been home to modern human groups for at least 47,000 years. The archaeological record attests to […]