First Pompeiian Human Genome Sequenced Fron An Individual Who Died After The Eruption Of Mount Vesuvius In 79 C.E

Conny Waters – – The first successfully sequenced human genome from an individual who died in Pompeii, Italy, after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE is presented this week in a study published in Scientific Reports. Prior to this, only short stretches of mitochondrial DNA from Pompeiian human and animal remains had been […]

All 5 Genetic ‘Letters’ Of DNA May Have Been Brought By Meteorites To Ancient Earth

Jan Bartek – –  Using new analyses, scientists have just found the last two of the five informational units of DNA and RNA that had yet to be discovered in samples from meteorites. While it is unlikely that DNA could be formed in a meteorite, this discovery demonstrates that these genetic parts are available […]

How Ancient Seascapes Shaped The Genetic Structure Of European Populations

Conny Waters – – Trinity scientists, along with international colleagues, have explored the importance of sea travel in prehistory by examining the genomes of ancient Maltese humans and comparing these with the genomes of this period from across Europe. Previous findings from the archaeological team had suggested that towards the end of the third […]

Call Modern Humans Homo Faber, The Toolmaker – Not Homo Sapiens – Scientist Says

Conny Waters – – We need to dispel the arrogant and misguided idea that modern humans are superior to earlier human species. It is thanks in part to all our predecessors such as Neanderthals that we are who we are today. This is according to Marie Soressi, Professor of Hominin Diversity Archaeology. Credit: Adobe […]

Ancient DNA Sheds Light On ‘Lost’ Indigenous People Of Uruguay And Reveals A Surprising Connection

Conny Waters – – The first whole genome sequences of the ancient people of Uruguay provide a genetic snapsH๏τ of Indigenous populations of the region before they were decimated by a series of European military campaigns. PNAS Nexus published the research, led by anthropologists at Emory University and the University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay. “Our […]

Ancient DNA Unravels The Mystery Of Huge 6,500-Year-Old Cemetery And The Tomb Of A ‘Masculine Woman’ In Normandy, France

Conny Waters – –  The huge Neolithic necropolis in Fleury-sur-Orne, Normandy, France is the resting place for a group of selected individuals who were buried in impressively long monuments. The Neolithic necropolis in Fleury-sur-Orne, Normandy, France. Credit: François Levalet / Inrap The cemetery from the Middle Neolithic (4500 BC) discovered in the 1960s contains […]

Surprising DNA Study Links Present-Day Native American Tribe To Ancestors In San Francisco Bay Area

Jan Bartek – – A new DNA study challenges the notion that the Ohlone migrated to the San Francisco Bay Area between A.D. 500-1,000. Scientists who conducted a unique genomic study of Native peoples in the San Francisco Bay Area have discovered that eight present-day members of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe share ancestry with […]

5,000-Year-Old DNA Could Solve The Mystery Of Genetic Changes In Europe

Jan Bartek – – Something very strange and unexplained happened with European DNA about 5,000 years ago. For reasons totally unknown, the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture were suddenly replaced, and scientists do not know why.   Map of Europe. Credit: GISGeography As previously reported on, ancient DNA recovered from a […]

Largest Ever Human Family Tree: 27 Million Ancestors Mapped

Jan Bartek – – Researchers from the University of Oxford’s Big Data Insтιтute have taken a major step towards mapping the entirety of genetic relationships among humans: a single genealogy that traces the ancestry of all of us. The study has been published in Science. Credit: Adobe Stock – Farnaces The past two decades […]

How Is DNA Preserved In Archaeological Sediments For Thousands Of Years

Jan Bartek – – Sediments in which archaeological finds are embedded have long been regarded by most archaeologists as unimportant by-products of excavations. However, in recent years it has been shown that sediments can contain ancient biomolecules, including DNA. “The retrieval of ancient human and faunal DNA from sediments offers exciting new opportunities to […]