Hundreds Of Marvelous Ancient Egyptian Treasures Found Inside Tombs In Minya

Jan Bartek – – There seems to be no end to archaeological findings in Egypt. Archaeologists announced they have found hundreds of marvelous ancient Egyptian treasures when they opened the tombs in Minya. The Ancient Tomb Of Royal Supervisor Badi Est One of the tombs belonged to a royal supervisor named Badi Est. While […]

Table Manners And First Code Of Correct Behavior Were Introduced In Egypt 2,500 B.C. By PtahH๏τep

Ellen Lloyd – – Louis XIV, known as Louis the Great or the Sun King (1638 – 1715), couldn’t stand bad table manners. The Sun King is today remembered as a royal who preferred art over politics. He was also a king who introduced complicated rules for doing anything, including dining. Ancient Egyptians were […]