Mystery Of The Gold From Troy, Poliochni And Ur Solved!

Conny Waters – – Ever since Heinrich Schliemann discovered Priam’s Treasure in Troy in 1873, the origin of the gold has been a mystery, but a new study sheds light on this old riddle. The gold in objects from Troy, Poliochni (a settlement on the island of Lemnos which lies roughly 60 kilometers away from […]

Legendary Lost Island Of Gold Of The Mysteriously Vanished Srivijaya Civilization Found Underwater

Conny Waters – – Magnificent ancient treasures discovered by local fishermen in Indonesia‘s Musi River may be the beginning of a great archaeological and historical story. The artifacts date back to the Srivijaya civilization, a powerful kingdom between the 7th and 13th centuries which mysteriously vanished a century later. Scientists now suggest the artifacts […]