Puzzling Sabaean Inscription Found On A Large Clay Jar Near The Jerusalem Temple Deciphered

Conny Waters –  AncientPages.com – In a new study published in Hebrew University’s Jerusalem Journal of Archaeology, Dr. Daniel Vainstub deciphered a partially preserved inscription that was found on the neck of a large jar dated back to the time of King Solomon. The jar was originally discovered together with the remains of six other large […]

Mystery Of The Anonymous God Of Palmyra Finally Solved By Scientists

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – It is often said better late than never, and now after 100 years scientists can finally say they have sold the mystery of the anonymous God of Palmyra. To crack the puzzle researchers had to study over 200 inscriptions addressed to this unknown God. Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider had been carrying out […]

1,500-Year-Old Inscription ‘Christ, Born Of Mary’ Engraved On Magnificent Building Discovered In Israel

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – While excavating at et-Taiyiba, Jezreel Valley in Israel archaeologists discovered a building that has an inscription ‘Christ, Born Of Mary’ engraved at the entrance. Whether the building was once a church or monastery is unknown, but the 1,500-year-old Greek inscription was intended to greet believers who entered the place. The […]