1,300-Year-Old Art Mystery Solved By Scientist

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The Cincinnati Art Museum turned to a scientist at the University of Cincinnati for help solving a mystery 1,300 years in the making. The museum’s Chinese dancing horse sculpture is so realistic that the fiery steed seems ready to gallop off its pedestal. But East Asian art curator Hou-mei Sung questioned […]

‘Curious’ Creature With No Anus Is Not Earliest Human Ancestor – Relieved Scientists Discover

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – An international team of researchers has discovered that a mysterious microscopic creature from which humans were thought to descend is part of a different family tree. Resembling an angry Minion, the Saccorhytus is a spikey, wrinkly sack, with a large mouth surrounded by spines and holes that were interpreted as pores for […]

Giant Meteorite Impacts Created The Continents – Evidence Found

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPages.com – New Curtin research has provided the strongest evidence yet that Earth’s continents were formed by giant meteorite impacts that were particularly prevalent during the first billion years or so of our planet’s four-and-a-half-billion year history. Credit: Adobe Stock – Romolo Tavani Dr. Tim Johnson, from Curtin’s School of Earth […]

New Chemical Reactions To Generate Building Blocks Of Proteins And DNA – Discovered

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPage.com – Four billion years ago, the Earth looked very different than it does today, devoid of life and covered by a vast ocean. Over the course of millions of years, in that primordial soup, life emerged. Researchers have long theorized how molecules came together to spark this transition. Image credit: […]

Effects Of The Volcanic Eruption In Alaska Rippled Through Ancient Egypt During Cleopatra’s Reign

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Researchers link an eruption in the Aleutian Islands to Nile flood failures during Cleopatra’s reign. Cleopatra wouldn’t have seen the clouds of ash darken the sky from her throne in Alexandria, but the effects of the eruption of an Alaskan volcano rippled through Egypt and the rest of the ancient […]

The Four Bases Of Anti-Science Beliefs – What Can Be Done About Them?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The same four factors that explain how people change their beliefs on a variety of issues can account for the recent rise in anti-science atтιтudes, a new review suggests. But politics in modern society have amplified how those factors work, making them a potent force in the growing rejection of science. In a […]

Unexplained Mystery Of The Glowing Woman Who Baffled Scientists

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Those who knew her said she was an ordinary who never sought any attention. Her unusual condition and perplexing abilities caused a sensation worldwide. Despite being examined by experts on countless occasions, no one could offer a satisfactory explanation of the baffling luminous phenomenon that surrounded her. One should perhaps […]

LIDAR Discovers Two Remarkably Large Sites In The Amazon And Evidence Of Early Urbanism

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – More than 20 years ago, Dr. Heiko Prümers from the German Archaeological Insтιтute and Prof. Dr. Carla Jaimes Betancourt from the University of Bonn, at that time a student in La Paz, began archaeological excavations on two “mounds” near the village of Casarabe in Bolivia. The Mojos Plains is a […]

Archaeology Sheds Light On Why Some Ancient Societies Were More Unequal Than Others

Carles Lalueza-Fox – AncientPages.com – November 26, 1922, marks what is arguably the most famous discovery in the history of archaeology. On that day, the British Egyptologist Howard Carter made a small hole through which he could insert a candle in the sealed doorway of Tutankhamun’s burial chamber and thus lit the interior. As his […]

The Perplexing Story Of The Seven Continents And The Seven Mysterious Races – Can The Past Foretell The Future? – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – In part 1 we discussed three continents inhabited by strange ancient races we know almost nothing about. As we are moving forward in time, we investigate the possibility there could have been other continents and landmᴀsses that were destroyed as a result of catastrophic events. What happened to those who […]