Burial Of Queen Of Emma Of Normandy Discovered In Winchester Castle

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The burial of legendary queen Emma of Normandy has been discovered in Winchester Castle, United Kingdom. “Emma of Normandy is one of the most intriguing Medieval queens who pushed England into a new era, and yet, she is today largely forgotten. Great Hall, Winchester Castle. Credit: Martin Kraft – Public […]

Ancient Chaco Canyon Was Much More Than A Ceremonial Site New Study Reveals

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – While some current scientific theories point to ancient Chaco Canyon, a distinctive archaeological site in the American southwest, as simply a prehistoric ceremonial site populated only during sacred rituals — University of Cincinnati researchers are turning that popular belief on its head. “The ancestral puebloans interacted with the local ecosystem […]

Mysterious Ancient Shapeshifters Who Guided Humans And The Battle Of The Gods Described In Sacred Texts And Myths

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – From sacred, ancient texts and myths, we are told these being mysterious were very wise and could prophecy forthcoming events, but they were unwilling to reveal the secrets of the future. They talked and behaved like humans, but they were no ordinary humans, nevertheless. Some ancient sources tell these enigmatic […]

Can Peptide Droplets Explain The Emergence Of The First Living Organisms On Earth?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The missing link isn’t a not-yet-discovered fossil, after all. It’s a tiny, self-replicating globule called a coacervate droplet, developed by two researchers in Japan to represent the evolution of chemistry into biology. “Chemical evolution was first proposed in the 1920s as the idea that life first originated with the formation […]

Ancient Mystery Of The Village Where All Residents Vanished Overnight

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – There are many ghost towns and villages worldwide, and they all have their exciting history. Among them is one particular story that is different due to the unexplained events that occurred in this place. People do vanish, and we all know that, but how can an entire community disappear without […]

Problems With The Age Of Man And Theory Of Evolution – What Happened In The Past?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – As previously mentioned in many of our previous articles, scientists have on several occasions made puzzling archaeological discoveries that have led them to believe many ancient civilizations were much more advanced than previously thought. Some scientists suggest there are severe flaws in Darwin’s theory of evolution. If they are correct, […]

Human Activities In The Year 1300 Impacted Earth’s Atmosphere More Than Previously Known

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Several years ago, while analyzing ice core samples from Antarctica’s James Ross Island, scientists Joe McConnell, Ph.D., and Nathan Chellman, Ph.D., from DRI, and Robert Mulvaney, Ph.D., from the British Antarctic Survey noticed something unusual: a substantial increase in levels of black carbon that began around the year 1300 and […]

Unraveling The Mystery Of The Celestial Matrix

Angela Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Many religious and mythological stories worldwide speak of visitations of intelligent beings from outer space. In some ancient cultures, these beings were called gods; in others, they were “sky people” or “star people.” They arrived from the heavens to live among the humans.  Then one day, they decided to leave […]

Discovered 2000-Year-Old Mauryan Structure May Lead To The Lost Ashoka Pillar Site

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists excavating in India have come across a 2000-year-old Mauryan-era brick platform that may provide scientists with valuable information about the lost Ashoka pillar site. Emperor Ashoka who became the third monarch of the Mauryan dynasty and ruled over a vast empire from 268 to 232 B.C is nowadays remembered […]

Fixing Archaeology’s Dating Problem – New Method Developed By Scientists

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists have long had a dating problem. The radiocarbon analysis typically used to reconstruct past human demographic changes relies on a method easily skewed by radiocarbon calibration curves and measurement uncertainty. And there’s never been a statistical fix that works—until now. “Nobody has systematically explored the problem, or shown how […]