Ancient Manuscript In Museum Reveals Discovery Of Objects Unknown To Modern Science – Inside The Chamber – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – There are many ways to gain knowledge about our mysterious ancient past. One can follow the latest archaeology news, read books about ancient civilizations, visit museums, and study artifacts or examine ancient manuscripts. Studying little-known ancient manuscripts can sometimes be a tiresome activity, but very rewarding if one comes across […]

Why Did King Solomon Hide Advanced Technology In A Secret Place? – The Great Deception – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – As explained in part 1, depending on which ancient text one reads there are different versions of this story, but they all relate more or less to the same event. We know ancient texts reveal King Solomon was in possession of several highly unusual objects. One of them was a […]

Tomb Of Last Ruler Of A Sunken Kingdom Remains An Ancient Mystery

Ellen Lloyd – – Many years ago archaeologists stumbled upon a curious ancient tomb that belonged to an individual of great importance. Inside the tomb, scientists found the body of the deceased person and beautiful burial gifts. Examinations of the burial revealed this particular tomb was different from the surrounding tombs, but why? When […]

Dangerous Anomaly Inside Mysterious European Mountain Remains Unexplained – Examining Evidence – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – If the mysterious mountain is located near ley lines it could explain the discovery of unknown energy forces detected in the area. As mentioned in our article there is often a connection between ley lines, prehistoric megalithic monuments, and mysterious cosmic forces. Were our ancestors gathering at this place due […]

2000-Year-Old Antikythera Mechanism – Experts Recreate A Mechanical Cosmos For The World’s First Computer

Conny Waters – – Researchers at UCL have solved a major piece of the puzzle that makes up the ancient Greek astronomical calculator known as the Antikythera Mechanism, a hand-powered mechanical device that was used to predict astronomical events. Known to many as the world’s first analogue computer, the Antikythera Mechanism is the most […]

Dangerous Anomaly Inside Mysterious European Mountain Remains Unexplained – Unusual Ancient Connections – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – Tourists and explorers are attracted to mountains because of the panoramic sights and challenges they offer. We are constantly reminded not to underestimate the powers of nature, but we tend to forget this because we want to explore the unexplained and unknown. Curiosity is a part of human nature and […]

Evidence Ancient Civilizations Had Knowledge About Planets In Our Solar System Thousand Years Ago

Ellen Lloyd – – We often think of ancient civilizations that existed before us as being less sophisticated. However, many discoveries offer evidence that our ancestors were scientifically and technologically very advanced. In some cases, their broad knowledge was superior to ours. Were ancient civilizations familiar with the heliocentric system long before Nicolaus Copernicus? […]

Evidence Ancient Civilizations Had Knowledge About Planets In Our Solar System Thousand Years Ago

Ellen Lloyd – – We often think of ancient civilizations that existed before us as being less sophisticated. However, many discoveries offer evidence that our ancestors were scientifically and technologically very advanced. In some cases, their broad knowledge was superior to ours. Were ancient civilizations familiar with the heliocentric system long before Nicolaus Copernicus? […]

Mystery Of The Hidden Wooden Hieroglyphic Tablets And The Unknown White Bearded Men – The Civilization That Died Twice – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – What evidence is there that could support the theory there was an unknown master race present in different corners of the world? In part 1 we discussed how strange ancient wooden tablets covered with hieroglyphics were discovered in the “wrong” place. The inscriptions on these out-of-place tablets could provide us […]

Mysterious Biblical Celestial City And Its Connection To The North Star – The Arrival – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – In part 1 we discussed the mysterious structure that according to the Bible was built with non-human hands. We learned the purpose of this structure and what was inside. As already mentioned in part 1 to get a better understanding of what is written in the Book of Revelation one […]