Witnessing this barber shave off his own head in solidarity with a cancer patient is truly moving. A powerful act of compᴀssion and support.

Losing their hair to cancer can sometimes be a debilitating experience for women as societal beauty standards attach a lot of importance to a woman’s hair. 

Having to shave it off can also be a reminder of everything the illness has taken from them and their exhausting battle to survive. In such situations, any support can help make them feel better.

One barber went above and beyond for his client who has cancer when he shaved off his own hair in solidarity as she went through the heartbreaking process of going bald. 

A viral video of his kind act won the praise of many on social media. The short clip begins with the woman sobbing uncontrollably as the barber uses a trimmer to shave off her head.


Once the work was done, the barber pulled the woman into a sweet embrace and then proceeded to shave off his own hair. The woman paused for a second, clearly stunned, and asked the barber to stop. She then puts her hand on her head while he held her in the embrace as she cried. 
The video caption read: “An unusual request for a barbershop, but undeniable. Nubia came to us very shy, embarrᴀssed, and unable to say what was going on. But with a lot of conversation, she opened her heart and told us about the difficulty she was going through with CANCER. 

At first, we were astonished, with no reaction, such news is always very difficult to hear, but we welcomed her and gave her much more strength because we were sure that she would win this battle of life.”

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The post continued, “And so, we did, we set the day, we left everything ready to receive it. There was no other way, I would have to cut all the hair that was already starting to fall out due to the treatment. 

We took a deep breath and with eyes full of tears we started to cut her hair, I remember always giving support and affection, saying that it was just a phase and that soon, it would grow again, because she would beat Cancer! 

In the end, I hugged her with great certainty in my heart and started to cut mine too, in the form of affection, to give her support and strength so she wouldn’t give up. And with a lot of willpower Nubia WON! Today she is HEALED.” 
The same video was shared on Twitter where it gained over 270K views and some really heartwarming comments. “Even the small gestures were tear-jerker for sure also besides the point but I wanted to focus on the fact that he still did a wonderful cleanup with one hand while applying a light rear naked. I know I’d either cut myself or it would look a mess if I did it,” commented @sports_takes32. 
“That guy embodies what’s the right thing to do. Bless his heart and his customers too. May she have a full recovery. She’ll be in our thoughts and prayers,” wrote @charliehenslee. 
“It’s the way he holds her and comforts her that does it for me. Truly beautiful,” penned @CeceMcClean.

Nobody can understand the pain that a cancer patient goes through during the whole ordeal. In the aftermath of the diagnosis, support from family, friends and peers is of utmost importance. 
The feeling of love and understanding acts as a motivator to ensure a positive clinical outcome. The family provides emotional security, reᴀssurance and care. Friends provide companionship, shared values and interests that are dear to us. 
All these things collectively provide resources to help cope with crippling anxiety and stress. With that, it is important to remember that you are not alone and that there is always someone out there for you.


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